Old Mill Hill Society


The Old Mill Hill Society (“OMHS”) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to “historic preservation and restoration of properties within the Mill Hill area.” As Mill Hill’s community organization, OMHS represents the interests of Mill Hill residents, property-owners, and business-owners. It is responsible for creating and maintaining this website (built, as most projects in Mill Hill, entirely through the efforts of volunteers), and much, much more.

Download OMHS Constitution and Bylaws (revised 2010).

Anyone who lives, works, or owns property in Mill Hill may join the Society. Dues are $10 per person per calendar year, due by the March meeting. The Society meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Mill Hill Saloon on the corner of Market and Broad Streets. This meeting is open to anyone and welcomes visitors and guest speakers. It’s a great opportunity to meet neighborhood residents and learn about various topics addressed by the Society.

OMHS regularly and effectively participates in the creation of public policy at the city, county, and state levels. Neighborhood residents energize the society through their time, talent, and active participation.

OMHS Activities

Programs developed by The Society include its now quite famous Holiday House Tour, which provides an opportunity for visitors to see the unusual interiors of our homes. The Garden Tour shows off the many beautiful town gardens in the neighborhood. The Adopt-a-Spot program mobilizes the talent and energy of residents who maintain public space in the neighborhood by removing litter regularly and by painting, planting, and trimming. Other committees address architectural standards,  recreation, and many other areas.

Like any city neighborhood, Mill Hill faces issues of public order, security, and quality of life. The Mill Hill Community Watch is an organization of residents who work to ensure that our neighborhood is safe, clean, quiet, and attractive. All ordinances relating to public decorum, loitering, noise, parking, trash control, littering, and similar quality-of-life issues are enforced through an involved citizenry. The Community Watch has done much to improve conditions of life in the area, making the Mill Hill experience an unusually tranquil and pleasant one.

Donate to the Old Mill Hill Society – tax deductible to the full extent of the law

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