Neighborhood Of

Mill Hill

Mill Hill is located next to downtown Trenton and a few minutes walk from the Trenton Transit Center, City Hall, and New Jersey State House.

Mill Hill is a close knit, diverse, and civically active neighborhood. In the 1960s, Mill Hill was saved from certain destruction by aggressive redevelopment. It survived because of the vision and courage of private citizens and enlightened public officials, and benefitted from federal funding that enabled critical infrastructure improvements.

Today Mill Hill is a strong community with a clear and promising future. It is a neighborhood in the old-fashioned sense, where most people get to know many of their neighbors. The interesting social character of our community includes a strong core of professionals, service workers, and artists. There are retired people and quite a few children. Those of us who own and rent homes in Mill Hill include married couples, single men, single women, same-sex couples, economic partners, and multi-generational families. Mill Hill is a model for the friendly and cooperative integration of a socially, culturally, and ethnically diverse population.

Located in central New Jersey, Mill Hill residents can choose from one of the largest and most diverse job markets in the world. Virtually all of the economic centers of New Jersey, much of greater New York City, and virtually all of greater Philadelphia are within feasible commuting distance. Add to the fact that Mercer County has a booming economy of its own, and that Trenton provides varied employment opportunities (principally from the State, County, and City governments), you’ll find that Mill Hill is a great place from which to pursue a career.

Today Mill Hill is a strong community with a clear and promising future. It is a neighborhood in the old-fashioned sense, where most people get to know many of their neighbors. The interesting social character of our community includes a strong core of professionals, service workers, and artists. There are retired people and quite a few children. Those of us who own and rent homes in Mill Hill include married couples, single men, single women, same-sex couples, economic partners, and multi-generational families. Mill Hill is a model for the friendly and cooperative integration of a socially, culturally, and ethnically diverse population.

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